Today i want to share a great software that name is Helicon Focus Pro Final + loader Download Free.
Helicon Focus is a program that creates one perfectly focused image from several partially focused images. The program is designed for optic microscope image processing to cope with the shallow depth-of-field problem. Helicon Focus is a tool that will allow you to create and edit images. Heliconfocus can also be used in macrophotography. The program can automatically adjust and resize images to combine the perfectly focused image.Here are some key features of "Helicon Focus":
· automatically adjusts and resizes images (important for stereomicroscopes and macrophotography);
· processes an unlimited number of images in the stack;
· has no limitation on image resolutions (you need at least 512M RAM to work with 8Mp+ images);
· supports "dust map" to automatically remove black points from the resulting images;
· automatically adjusts brightness of the adjacent images;
· reads RAW, 8bit and 16bit TIFFs, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP, etc;
· writes 8bit and 16bit TIFFs, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP.
· includes all the features of the Lite version;
· generates opacity maps for further processing in Adobe PhotoShop;
· adds text title and scale to the image;
· will contain more advanced features in the future.
So no more late quickly download this Helicon Focus Pro Final + loader Download Free and enjoy
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